
Zicker SC. Evaluating pet foods: how confident are you when you recommend a commercial pet food? Top Companion Anim Med. 2008 Aug;23(3):121-6. doi: 10.1053/j.tcam.2008.04.003. PMID: 18656838.


The safety, adequacy, and efficacy of pet foods are important considerations for veterinarians and consumers. Manufacturers of pet foods in the United States are required to comply with multiple regulations from a variety of governmental and state agencies to market foods in the public sector. However, consumers and veterinarians may not be aware of the multiple systems in place that help ensure the safety and adequacy of foods for their pets. Since the veterinarian occupies a key role to make recommendations to consumers regarding pet foods, it is the purpose of this article to review the processes of pet food manufacturing, as well as the processes that have been developed to help ensure safety and adequacy of pet foods in the United States.

Palavras-chave: avaliação de alimentos, pet food, rótulos, segurança alimentar, dietas comerciais

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