
Rumbeiha WK, Agnew D, Maxie G, Hoff B, Page C, Curran P, Powers B. Analysis of a survey database of pet food-induced poisoning in North America. J Med Toxicol. 2010 Jun;6(2):172-184.


Measurements of nitrogen, carbon and energy balances were done on eight female adult cats aged approximately 1.5 years with the help of respiration chambers. The cats were fed with a marked dry food for kittens (Biomill® kitten). Faeces and urine samples were collected with the help of a special cat toilet that allows the single collection of both materials. The calculated energy requirement of these eight female cats was 239.6 kJ ME/kg BW/day (R2 = 0.98). Including the data, on 12 young male adult cats, of Läuger, (2001), an energy requirement of 238 kJ ME/kg BW/day (R2 = 0.95) could be calculated. From these data, it can be followed that the energy requirements of young, active cats are higher than that of the older cats. The method of indirect calorimetry does not necessarily lead to lower energy requirements.

Palavras-chave: melanina, toxicidade, contaminação

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