Pet Nutrition in the Media

(2019) Began at Turin the XXIII Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition - ESVCN


Last night, September 17, 2019, there was the cocktail that marks the beginning of the event. Researchers from around the world are reunited to strengthen working ties in animal nutrition and friendship. Today begins the scientific programming of the event itself. The entourage of Brazilian researchers increases in quantity and quality year by year. Not only do researchers seek to come at their own expense, but pet food companies have supported the travel and stay of students and teachers, which certainly makes it possible for many more researchers with great potential to participate.

This internationalization of Brazilian universities was very important to raise the level of the works produced in Brazil as each work presented is sharply criticized by experts from various facets of nutrition science. Last year (2018), for example, a group from Brazil won two awards for best work presented. .

In the coming days, we'll see what's new in dog and cat nutrition research, which we hope will bring more health, longevity and quality of life for everyone.

Publicado por: PRADA, C.S., 2019.

Autor: PRADA, C.S., 2019..

(2013) Dieta rica em carboidrato separou os cães dos lobos.

Os nutricionistas veterinários sempre se bateram com a ideia de qual seria a dieta mais adequada aos cães, a que estivesse de acordo com sua anatomia, fisiologia. Essa questão também remete ao quanto a própria humanidade se considera ou não, parte da natureza, do que e natural. Cães domésticos estão melhor equipados geneticamente e epigeneticamente para digerir carboidratos do que os lobos.

Nota: artigo teve chamada na primeira página do jornal Folha de SP. O site nutrição.Vet repercutiu a publicação deste artigo vários dias antes da Folha de SP tê-lo feito.

Publicado por: Folha de São Paulo, Seção Ciência.

Autor: Folha de São Paulo.

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