Pet Nutrition in the Media

(2010) Senescence and Senility in Dogs and Cats - Part 3

Revista Pet Food Brasil year 2, ed. 11, Nov-Dec 2010, p. 58-61. Senescence and Senility in Dogs and Cats - Part 3: Potential tools for improving the health of older animals through manipulation of the intestinal microbiota. (Marcia Gomes & Aulus Carciofi). Original text in Portuguese, translated by automatic tool.

Publicado por: Revista Pet Food Brasil

Autor: Márcia Gomes & Aulus Carciofi.

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(2010) See what was the award-winning work at CBNA's II International Congress on Companion Animal Nutrition.

See what was the award-winning work at CBNA's II International Congress on Companion Animal Nutrition. (Campinas / 2010). Original text in Portuguese, translated by automatic tool.

Publicado por: CBNA

Autor: CBNA.

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