

Organizarse: vea aquí "Quando" y "Donde" habrá conferencias sobre Nutrición y Nutrición Clínica de Perros y Gatos recomendadas por el nutrição.VET.

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De: 12/08/2019 Até: 12/08/2019 - Special Supplement Pet Food Workshop - Kansas State University


7:30am: Registration/Continental Breakfast

8:00-8:10am: Introduction (Alavi)
8:10-9:00am: Pet Nutrition - Latest Trends (Aldrich)
9:00-9:50am: Nutritional Requirements and Macro-Ingredients I (Carciofi)

Break 9:50-10:05am
10:05-10:55am: Nutritional Requirements and Macro-Ingredients II (Carciofi)
10:55-11:45am: Additives and Micro-ingredients (Aldrich)

Lunch 11:45-12:45pm
12:45-1:35pm: Pet Food Palatability and Consumer Research (Talavera)
1:35-2:25pm: Pet Food Safety, Plant Design and HACCP (Martinez)
2:25-3:15pm: Specialty Treats (Rokey)

Break 3:15-3:30pm
3:30-5:00pm: Formulation Exercise - Lab Session (Aldrich and Carciofi)


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