Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi

About the author

Full Professor at FCAV / UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, where he teaches in the undergraduate course the Disciplines of Clinical Disorders, Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition and Feeding of Dogs and Cats. Professor and responsible for the discipline of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases in the Graduate Program. Adjunct Faculty at Grain Science and Industry Department at Kansas State University / USA.

Created in 2001 and is responsible for the Residency Program in Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition of Dogs and Cats at the Veterinary Hospital of FCAV / UNESP. This program was the first in Brazil and, as far as we know, the second in the world.

Created and Coordinates the Research Laboratory on Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases of Dogs and Cats of FCAV / UNESP. Member of the permanent committee for the FCAV / Unesp / Jaboticabal Farming Plant.Until 2012, it has already guided 10 residents on Clinical Nutition and guides three other professionals.

In nutrition topics, until 2013, he has supervised or co-directed 33 master's dissertations (7 others in progress), 17 doctoral theses (4 others in progress) and supervisor of one postdoctoral fellow (three others in progress).

He is ad hoc consultant / rapporteur of: FAPESP, CNPQ, Revista Científica ‘Veterinária e Zootecnia’. FMVZ-UNESP Botucatu / Brazil; Revista Clínica Veterinária, São Paulo, SP / Brazil; Revista Arquivos Brasileiros de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Brazil; Revista ARS Veterinária, SP / Brazil; Journal Animal Fisiology and Animal Nutrition (Germany); Revista Brasileira de Produção e Saúde Animal, BA / Brazil; Braz. Journal of Vet. Res.and An. Science; Acta Scientarium, PR / Brazil; Pet Food Brasil, São Paulo / Brazil; Journal Livestock Science / USA; British Journal of Nutrition (England, UK); Journal BMC Genomics / USA; American journal of Veterinary Research (USA); having more than 100 articles published in indexed journals.

Director of the Technical Affairs Committee of the Brazilian College of Animal Nutrition - CBNA. President of the Brazilian Society of Nutrition and Nutrology of Dogs and Cats since 2019.

Between 2006 and 2012 he coordinated more than 60 initiatives involving food companies for dogs and cats, referring to dozens of projects, 30 courses / symposia / congresses in the areas of clinical nutrition of dogs and cats, palatabilizers, ingredients, extrusion processing, digestibility, quality of commercial food and implementation of quality control in the industry.

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine by FMVZ-USP (1991), he has a Master's Degree in Animal Nutrition (1996) and a PhD in Veterinary Medicine (Nutrition Diseases) (2000) by the same University. Titled as a Free Teacher in 2012.

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