Basic Glossary - nutrição Vet

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GOMES, M.O.S. Conjugated linoleic acid. [on line] Available in: Access in (month) (day) (year).

Pesquise por palavras-chave ou expressões:

Any substance consumed by the animal is capable of contributing to the maintenance of its life and survival of the species to which it belongs. (prepared by JEREMIAS, J.T., 2009.) (Original text in Portuguese. Automatically translated).

Toda substância que, consumida pelo animal, é capaz de contribuir para a manutenção de sua vida e sobrevivência da espécie à qual pertence. (elaborado por JEREMIAS, J.T., 2009.)     

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

It is considered a balanced food that is able to provide the animal with the appropriate amounts and proportions of all the nutrients necessary for a period of 24 hours. (prepared by GOMES, M.O.S., 2009.).

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

Responsible for the maintenance and growth of the organism, as well as renewal of tissues and cells. It's the proteins. (selected by PRADA, C.S., a patir do site do HC da FM-USP Jun/2014).     

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

Responsible for the body's energy. It's the carbs and the lipids. (selected by PRADA, C.S., a patir do site do HC da FM-USP Jun/2014).     

Define-se por alimento funcional aquele alimento ou ingrediente que, além das funções nutritivas básicas, quando consumido como parte da dieta usual produza efeitos metabólicos, fisiológicos e/ou efeitos benéficos á saúde, devendo ser seguro para consumo sem supervisão profissional. Os termos alimento funcional e nutracêutico muitas vezes são tratados erroneamente como sinônimos. (VASCONCELLOS, R.S. Jun/2011).     

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

Food offered and consumed in its natural state, without undergoing industrial changes that modify its physicochemical properties (texture, composition, organoleptic properties). Note: fruits and fresh milk are examples of fresh foods. (prepared by PRADA, C., 2013 from material from the Brazilian Ministry of Health).

Responsáveis pela regulação das atividades no organismo, garantindo seu bom funcionamento. São a água, fibras, sais minerais e vitaminas. (selecionado por PRADA, C.S., a patir do site do HC da FM-USP Jun/2014).     

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

The moisture content of this type of food ranges from 6 to 10% and 90% or more of dry matter. This type of food includes extruded products. The main ingredients usually employed in its manufacture include grain cereals, products derived from meat, poultry or fish, vitamin and mineral supplements. (prepared by JEREMIAS, J.T., 2009.).

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

It is the food for pets that has specific nutritional characteristics and balances used as a treatment or as an adjunct to clinical treatment in certain conditions that respond to nutritional management. It should always be prescribed by a veterinarian. (prepared by GOMES, M.O.S., 2009.).

(Original text produced in Portuguese. Automatically translated into English.).

The moisture content of this type of food ranges from 60 to more than 87%. The dry matter portion of this food (40 to 13%) is that it contains all the non-aqueous nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The shape, consistency and texture of this food are obtained by the addition of gums and other gelling agents, which have the function of adding water to the food. They have high palatability and have as main ingredients meat and meat by-products. (prepared by JEREMIAS, J.T., 2009.). 

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